
Off to the London Book Fair…

Off to the London Book Fair…

I'm off shortly to the London Book Fair.  I hope to have easy internet and email access but just in case, for the next week or so there may be a slight delay in answering DailyLit support questions or other inquiries.
If you happen to be at the London Book Fair, I hope you'll come see The Great Debate I'm organizing through The Publishing Point.  The proposition being debated is: "In the fight for surval, outsiders and start-ups are taking on today's heavyweight publishers and will ultimately deliver a knock-out punch."
It'll be a formal Oxford style debate (we'll be in England after all!) and will feature as debaters Allen Lauof Wattpad; Bob Young of Lulu;  Evan Schnittman of Bloomsbury; and Fionnuala Duggan ofCourseSmart.  It should be great fun as audience members will vote to determine the outcome of the debate. You can sign up for the debate here (although you can just show up as well).  There's no charge to attend the debate, but there is, I believe, a fee to register for the book fair itself. Thanks to our sponsors, Bowker Identifer Services and Copyright Clearance Center, we'll be videotaping the debate for all to see.
And if you are there, I hope you'll stop by to say hello.

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