
Greek Salad

Greek Salad

Greek Salad is a well known salad around the world that uses seasonal and fresh ingredients. The reason it has " Greek " in its names because this salad has Greek inspired ingredients. It is refreshing and filling especially if served with fresh bread and it makes a complete meal. In theLevant, different variation of fresh and seasonal salads are served using local and fresh ingredients, including different types of greens and cheese, different types and colors of olives and fresh or dry herbs. Lemon juice or vinegar combined with olive oil are used as a basic dressingwhich brings all the flavors together. Also different cut for the ingredients is used too, varies from small cuts to medium or large cuts. The "Greek Salad"  that is served in North America varies in the usage of different ingredients such as different  types of lettuce, anchovies, herbs or olives . The idea of adding anchovies to the salad is not desirable to some people, while others think that it enhances the flavors of the other ingredients.
Here is my recipe for Greek Salad:

  • Few leaves of Romain Lettuce
  • 8 Oz. Feta Cheese
  • Few leaves of fresh Mint
  • A handful of cut Bell Peppers, different colors
  • Couple of Spring Onions, You may use regular red or white onions
  • 1/4 cup Kalamata Olives, I get the pitted ones that are pickled in red vinegar
  • Tomatoes
  • Anchovies, Optional
For the salad dressing you need:
  • 1/4 cup Olive Oil
  • Lemon zest
  • Fresh Lemon Juice 
  • Salt and Black Pepper to taste
  • Dry Oregano

You may add cucumbers or any other fresh ingredients of your choice. The day I made my salad I did not have any cucumbers!


  • Wash and dry the vegetables you are using in this salad
  • Cut up the vegetables and mix together
  • Add the olives
  • Make the salad dressing which contains 1/4 cup olive oil, lemon zest, one fresh lemon juice, salt and black pepper to taste, and dry oregano, I used two types of dry oregano. The best way that works out for me is place all the ingredients in a jar, close tightly and shake all together to emulsify the oil with the rest of the ingredients. 
  • Pour the dressing on the salad ingredients and mix.
  • Arrange in a serving dish.
  • Top with the cubed feta cheese, sprinkle a little oregano on top.
  • You may add anchovies fillet to the salad on top, or serve it on the side if you like. Also you may not add anchovies at all, depends on your personal preference.
  • Serve with warm bread.  

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